"(one of) the Bay Area's most exciting small theater companies"
- Lily Janiak, SF Weekly
Rob Handel's A Maze
Just Theater provides an artistic home to theatrically adventurous voices addressing morally complex questions. We present new work that is smart, funny, and unusual with complex narratives, distinctive use of language and big ideas. We seek out plays and playwrights pushing the boundaries of structure and form, developing new plays by local playwrights and introducing compelling new voices to East Bay audiences.
Since 2006, we have introduced Bay Area audiences to some of this generation's most exciting new playwrights including Anne Washburn, Jason Grote, Rob Handel, Erin Bregman and Melissa James Gibson. Our shows have won Theater Bay Area and Bay Area Theater Critics awards, and are have been listed on year-end Top Ten lists in the KQED, SF Weekly, East Bay Express and The Idiolect.com.
Our New Play Lab has commissioned and developed over 25 original full length plays which have gone on to be produced at theaters including SF Playhouse, Cutting Ball, Alter Theatre, Impact Theatre and the Bay Area Playwrights Festival.
Molly Aaronson-Gelb
Jonathan Spector
Michael Barrett Austin
Erin Bregman
Christine Crook
Alexandra Creighton
Dina Maccabee
Mick Mize
Sarah Moser
Anthony Nemirovsky
Harold Pierce
Aaron Loeb
Sibani Michael Bose
Linneaus Bloom
Logan Granger
Lindsey Gates
Maryanne Olson
We'd love to hear from you. Send us an email at just.theater@gmail.com